Efficiency Production’s exclusive Shore-Trak Sheeting Guide Frame and Panel Guide

Efficiency Production’s Universal Slide Rail System can be integrated to shield around existing utilities with Efficiency’s innovative Slide Rail – Shore-Trak combination. It is the industry’s only pre-fabricated, pre-engineered cross-trench utility shielding system.
There are two types of Shore-Trak: SHEETING GUIDE FRAMES which are installed into the outside slotted rails on the vertical posts and rest on the ground or in a shallow pilot hole; and the PANEL GUIDE, which is installed in place of a Slide Rail panel in the inside open-face rail of the vertical posts. The Shore-Trak Panel Guide is an exclusive feature of Efficiency Production’s Slide Rail System. Panel Guides enables a contractor to install more manageable lengths of sheeting much deeper into an excavation

Sheeting Guide Frames and Panel Guides are both used with overlapping KD-6 Sheeting. Efficiency Production provides Sheeting Caps for the KD-6 sheets which creates a larger surface area for the sheeting to be pushed with an excavator bucket. Shore-Trak Sheeting Guide Frames can also be used independent of Slide Rail by utilizing traditional trench shield spreader pipe pinned on spreader collars